Speed Game
This web application was made using .NET with Razor pages. We also used SignalR to facilitate asynchronous play in multiple browsers.
Utilizing a custom hub, we were able to keep both players’ screen in sync. In this group, my main contributions revolved around implementing SignalR and creating models to bind to our Razor pages. For example, the “Table” model was created to hold the various lists of cards, and was set up to be passed back and forth using the SignalR hub.
public async Task SendTable(Table table)
Table newTable = AddPlayers(table);
await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveUpdatedTable", newTable);
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
hubConnection.On<Table>("ReceiveUpdatedTable", (table) =>
Table = table;
await hubConnection.StartAsync();